100% of proceeds goes to Laughing Women Charity
The Lord has been revealing great things to His people these days. God talks to His people through prophecies – things foretold. These foretold things do not constitute only warnings for certain things about to happen or awaited answers of questions but also lays out the promises of God for the betterment and upliftment of his people.
These promises that God tells in guise of prophecies work as a revitalizing agent in one’s life. Just like we take energizers, boosters and certain medication that keeps us going, these promises become a major source of energy and hope as one continues to confess them in their daily lives.
This book entails such promises of God, certain prophecies, some words of upliftment that not only shows that God cares for us but that He has outrun us and thinks for us more than we think for ourselves and wants nothing but the best for His children.
Standing on the promises of God, it is the nature of God that makes God’s promises trustworthy, sure to stand on. It shows that God is unchanging in His character, will and promises. We can have absolute confidence in God’s reliability to make good on His promises because of His unchanging character.
The Holy Spirit told us in the last days of December 2019 to recite daily these prophecies and promises for the whole of 2020 and beyond; in obedience, we are doing this and growing each day to the glory of God.